Partnerships for Re-Entry Programming (PREP)
Partnerships for Re-Entry Programming (PREP) is an Incarcerated Individual services rehabilitation program that serves 90percent of Incarcerated Individuals being released. There are four components to the program:
- Cognitive skills training;
- Employment readiness and career development;
- Community resource information, and
- Victim / offender impact and awareness.
PREP Goals include:
- Partner with agencies to better coordinate training opportunities, secure personal ID documents and enhance service delivery;
- Reduce re-offending rate by 10 percent;
- Increase corrections pre-release and transition services;
- Standardize Incarcerated Individual programming from intake through release, and
- Track participants.
- Division of Correction
- The Enterprise Foundation
- Mayor's Office on Criminal Justice
- Division of Parole and Probation
- Baltimore City Police Department
- Community Development Corportations (Sandtown-Winchester, Druid Heights, Historic East Baltimore)
Program Components
- Life skills training;
- Job and employment career training;
- Trade skills training, if qualified;
- Community resource information training;
- Victim / offender impact and awareness;
- Coordinated pre- and post-release case management planning;
- Offender Employment Initiative;
- Governor's Council on Management and Productivity and State Use Industries link up to:
- Develop a business mentoring program
- Expand the Prison to Work program
- Improve offender employment opportunities