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We are committed to preparing returning citizens into society by providing them tools necessary to keep them from their former life of crime. This is evident with the vast array of job skill opportunities, educational programming, psychological and health sessions, and drug treatment while under our supervision. Re-entry calls for a comprehensive systems approach to managing incarcerated individuals returning to the community. Institutions, programs, and staff have to be informed, integrated, empowered, and committed to our approach.
We are an innovative leader in providing needed public safety services to individuals within our custody in safe and secure settings. Throughout Maryland, we work and engage in communities and neighborhoods to which many of the individuals under our supervision will one day return. We work with partner agencies, sharing important intelligence information in order to reduce crime and violence. Previous incarcerated individuals on parole and probation, living in our neighborhoods and working in our local businesses, require supervision and guidance to keep focused on the ultimate goal of overcoming the "revolving door" of the criminal justice system. The community supervision portion of DPSCS ensures these previously incarcerated individuals are meeting goals and objectives by upholding the individual requirements set forth by courts and the Maryland Parole Commission.
The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer
The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services is looking for passionate individuals ready to transform lives, including their own. Assistant Warden Monika Brittingham and Lt. Matthew Wolske from Eastern Correctional Institution recently shared exciting details about our upcoming eastern shore hiring event with Delmarva Life hosts Jimmy Hoppa and Lisa Bryant.
Watch the segment to learn more, and don't miss our hiring event! Meet our team, explore career opportunities, get application assistance, and even interview on the spot. See you there!
DPSCS Correctional Officer Hiring - Learn about our amazing careers!
Find Out More About Our Great Benefits.
DPSCS Employment for Veterans. Visit our DPSCS State Jobs
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Consider changing your life today. Contact the Public Safety Human Resources Services Division at 410-585-3999 or visit the Maryland State Online Employment Center here.
Contact Us
Human Resources Services Division
6776 Reisterstown Road - Suite 208 | Baltimore, MD 21215
410-585-3999 | 1-877-206-9941