Division of Pretrial Detention
The Division of Pretrial Detention and Services is located in Baltimore City, and currently consists of the following facilities: Baltimore Central Booking and Intake Center; Chesapeake Detention Facility; Metropolitan Transition Center; and the Baltimore Pre-trial Complex, which includes the Wyatt Building.
For teenagers facing adult charges, the Baltimore Pre-trial Complex houses a unique high school behind bars: Eager Street Academy. In addition to a wide array of mental health, social, educational, recreational, spiritual, substance abuse, and rehabilitative programs, detainees are afforded opportunities to learn employable skills while preforming job assignments within the facility, and during outside detail positions within the community.
The Division of Pretrial and Detention Services will continue to strive toward ensuring the safety and security of staff, detainees, and incarcerated individuals; treating individuals in a humane manner; and believing in the value of the human being. We ensure staff has proper training and equipment; we provide cost effective services; we protect individuals, whether they are members of the public, our own employees, those we are obligated to keep safe in our custody, or victims of crime.
Around the state, we work in the communities to which many of our offenders will one day return, and we work with the offenders out in the community every day, performing public works and sustainability projects that save tax payer dollars and help to preserve Maryland’s natural resources.