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Effective March 15, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccination


  • Masking guidelines will be optional and voluntary for all programs, services and activities, EXCEPT as identified below.
  • Masking guidelines will be optional and voluntary for all programs, services Healthcare professionals, staff and officers assigned to post in all clinical units to include medical, dental, mental health, and social work shall continue to wear the appropriate mask or respirator while working in hospital, infirmaries, isolation and quarantine areas, dispensaries and adjacent waiting room areas, and therapeutic counseling groups.
  • Staff and incarcerated individuals in all DPSCS transport vehicles including vans and buses.
  • Intake protocols at all intake facilities shall remain the same.
  • Incarcerated individuals and staff at BCBIC, CDF, or any other facility with a court-ordered masking requirement.
  • Wardens and facility administrators shall direct proper signage be posted in areas where continued masking is required.
  • Social distancing is still encouraged.


  • No staff or incarcerated individual vaccination requirement will be mandated as eligibility for participation in any programming or volunteer service.


  • Symptomatic/temperature screenings at front entries will cease. Staff is reminded to self-evaluate healthcare issues. If exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, the employee shall not come to work and will immediately report symptoms through the established facility hierarchy.
  • Visitors and volunteers are no longer required to show proof of vaccination.
  • Staff testing will continue.

Wardens and facility administrators shall ensure that this IB is read during roll call for the next seven days.

* Vaccination and boosters are strongly encouraged.